Michael Schmiechen, Berlin
Letters (yet) unanswered!

Last update: 2019.04.18

A collection of letters (yet) unanswered.
Maybe somebody (else) likes to respond.

According to the rules of the game I tend to consider
no answer as consent with my opinion.

On physics of gravity 'deduced' etc

Zur Gravitations-'Konstanten'

Brief an (einen) Philosophen

'... und Aristoteles hatte 'schon' recht'

'Wissen verstehen'

'On meta-physics'

'On Amplitude Quantization'

'The Weight of Celestial Bodies'

'The trouble with standards'

The trouble with physics

Cooperation offered

Critical reviews invited

On classical mechanics

On knowledge research

On related projects

On the mechanism of propulsion

On physical and numerical experiments

On the 'goat' lottery

On the presentation of classical mechanics

On gravitation in classical mechanics

On hydro- and air-foils